Monday, January 22, 2018

Should You Read Tools Of Titans By Tim Ferriss?

Tim Ferriss is most well known for his book "The 4 Hour Workweek".  Believe it or not The 4 Hour Workweek is the first book that really got me into reading books to help me improve and learn consistently.   He has also written "The 4 Hour Chef", "The 4 Hour Body", "Tools of Titans" (the book we are discussing today), and "Tribes of Mentors".

What is Tools of Titans?

As the cover suggests, Tools of Titans is about "the tactics, routines, and habits of billionaires, icons, and world class performers."  He interviews people such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tony Robbins in the book.

What can you learn from Tools of Titans?

There is one section of the book, where he is talking to Seth Godin, and Seth says something along the lines of starting small to go big.  I think this section of the book is huge in everyones life, and even for the book alone (it is over 600 pages long).  He says the smallest is achievable but can be scary and risky because if we fail then we really messed up along the way.

The reason I believe that this can help anyone reading this right now is because we are all overwhelmed.  We want to do big things but don't have a single clue where to start, so we never end up starting.  If you start small, you end up building momentum, your snowball gets bigger and ends up moving faster over time.

If you want to start drinking water, you have to start small, you taste buds are used to pop, so you start with one glass of water a day, you don't jump right in to only drinking water.

For reading Tools of Titans the second time through I took this same approach, I read only 20 pages per day, which isn't a lot but I know if I started with reading 50 pages (what I used to read everyday) I probably would've given up and picked up a different book.

This is only one example of what you will learn from the book.  There are hundreds if not thousand of ideas laid out in the book to learn from.

What can be confusing?

There is only one part of the book that I think can really affect what you learn from it.  That being, that throughout Tools of Titans, Tim Ferriss is interviewing soooooo many people.  Why can it be confusing?  Well lets say one person tells you the way he does something is the "A Way" and then someone else (just as successful) does something the "B Way".  It can be contradicting and leave you confused about which way you should be doing something.

Now the whole book isn't like this, only a few parts are.  Most of these people have stuff they do in common, but there is the odd situation where one person does something or say something the opposite of someone else in the book.

It really boils down to you figuring out which people you are going to learn from and which people you aren't.

Closing thoughts.

If you want to take your life to the next level and learn from some of the most influential people on the planet today, click the link below to get your very own copy of Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss.

Make the best of today,

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