Thursday, March 31, 2016

How I Find Time For Exercise Everyday.

     Whether it's going for a walk or going to workout at the gym most of us say we don't have time.  But what does everyone spend their time on?  In this post I am going to talk about just that, and how we can fix it!
Acai fruit bowl for after exercise treat.     Believe me I understand many people have a full time job, go to school, have to walk their dog make food, clean dishes, and sleep.  Your day can be pretty filled up and hard to find time for any enjoyment time or time for exercise. I don't personally have all these things but even if my whole day is taken up by something I find a way to make the most important thing for my day happen.  Whether thats reading, writing, making a video, doing an ab workout, the gym or some home workout if the gym is close.  Whatever it is I MUST do I always make the time for it.  Some days the gym will be closed by the time I even can get around to it, so I do a home workout, it may not be as good of a workout as I can get at the gym, but instead of using the "it's closed" excuse I end up doing the workout for whatever part of the body I work on that day, just at home instead of the gym.
The social media trap.
     The truth is we spend so much time on social media, and many of us don't even notice, I will often find myself going this which I'm sure everyone can relate to.  You go on Instagram Facebook or other social media site to check one thing, then 30 minutes later you close the app and wonder where the time went.  We get flooded with so many useless but entertaining videos, that are all only a minute or 2 long but, we get trapped without noticing.  We waste on average 20 minutes on social media every time we open it for one thing.
     It's about learning how to cut out the bullshit time wasters from our lives.  Now I'm not saying having social media is bad, it can be used to grow yourself or your product, to share a message, and to show and talk about things you find interesting.  Don't get me wrong I get trapped in this vicious cycle many times, and used to like crazy.  Lately whenever I do, the second I notice I'm doing it I immediately close the app.  I also don't go on social media much ever like I used to, maybe a couple times a day now.  Whats one way you can cut time from social media to focus on more important things, like spending more time on bettering yourself?
Closing thoughts.
     Making more time for yourself starts with noticing how you spend your time.  Now this may take a week to figure out and really write down if you have to what time you are spending on what throughout the day.  Maybe start as I did and am still doing right now where I shut down the app the second I notice I'm wasting my time.  It's a simple and easy step to take massive action in your life!

Go out, live life to the fullest,


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Why Perfectionism Sucks (And How to Practice Fixing it).

     What is being a perfectionist?  In my words perfectionism is making sure everything is exactly the way we want it.  Many people suffer with trying to be perfectionists in everything they do, their job, school, and activities.  But this can be very time consuming and teach us a bad lesson.  I myself us to like having things perfect when I make video's or write these blogs, until I realized making the perfect video isn't gonna happen.  Although I may make a good video or blog post it will never be completely 100% perfect.  So the lessoned I learned was just do it, and make it the best I can.
With perfectionism we get stuck in our heads.
     In my experience I have dealt with perfectionism a lot, and sometimes still do.  Whenever I do I start to overthink every aspect of what I'm doing.  I go out of my way to make it "perfect" button my surprise perfection, sadly never happens.  
     When I first started making videos I would record like 10 different videos and pick which one was perfect to me at the time, or even make the vids and none of them would seem good enough so I'd just end up deleting them all and being mad I couldn't make the perfect video.  This caused me to procrastinate because who would want to see someone scared to talk on camera?  I would let the anxiety in my voice affect if I would upload a video or not, just because I wanted to make the most "perfect" videos I could make.
Messy hair but still using the picture anyway.How am I overcoming perfectionism?
     Above I talked about how I wanted every video to be perfect.  Here I am going to go more in depth on what I would do and how far I have come and how I am still working on it everyday.  When I first started I wanted the perfect video, the best background in the house, the perfect tone, no stuttering, and over one minute long (at the time one minute videos were hard for me to make because I would be stuck in my head about what I was going to say).  I still do care about some of these, like a good background but not the best, and I do care how my hair looks to an extent, but it doesn't have to be perfect, just presentable.  So by doing my first video I learned something.  As Nike says "Just Do It".
     This is so simple but as humans we like to over complicate things.  I somehow ended up thinking to myself "it's the beginning of my journey and making videos is just a step".  And also reminded myself its also about helping you guys by giving my advice from my experience and giving my recipes I find enjoyable so you can implement those into your life as well.  Even if the video isn't perfect I learned to just do it for the message I'm sharing, because I feel what I share is important to help others, because it would've helped me tremendously a few years ago to know what I know now.
Closing thoughts.
     The main thing I am trying to tell everyone reading this is to just do it.  Whatever it is it doesn't have to be perfect the first time, you can always build and make better and better with time and practice.  It has whats helped me the most especially with my 5 Day Video Challenge.  The first video was so hard to make and it wasn't even one minute long but by the end I had 2 videos over 3 minutes and one just under 3 minutes.  Literally just by doing it without judging myself or trying to be perfect I more than tripled my camera time in less than a week.
Go out, live life to the fullest,


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Live Life to it's Fullest, Don't Let it Slip Away. (Grab Life by the Balls)

     So the other day I made a video for Youtube and talked about getting shit done because life is shirt, and also how we must take advantage of the time we do have in our lives.  The idea popped in my head because over the last week I lost an uncle who did shit, anything he set his mind to he accomplished, and I knew writing this post would inspire people.  He was successful at his career and would do many activities a few including, scuba diving, sky diving, hunting, and flying planes.  He passed at a young age, but did so much in the years he lived, and I feel we can all learn from this not to take our lives for granted, because we always think we will always be here.  The truth is we won't and its a hard truth to swallow, but anything could happen in just 24 hours that could make our dreams never happen.  We could get hit by a car, or anything, all it takes is the wrong place at the wrong time.  If you only had 24 hours what would it consist of?  What would you make of it?
     Many times when we think of our time left on earth we think we have all the time in the world.  As I said above this is not the case, but what is one thing we always tell ourselves?  "I'll do this or that tomorrow."  But often times we forget about it even if it is something extremely important.  Tomorrow turns into never.
What I do to take action every single day.
     Before bed or every morning I start my day the same.  I pick up a pen and my note pad and write down my daily goals.  The goals I can usually accomplish all within the day depending how many things I write down.  If I don't accomplish them though, I don't beat myself up, but instead put a "x" next to what I didn't get to do and write it for the next day that way I remember.  All the goals I accomplished on my daily list have a check next to them.  With the list I am able to not have to think of what to do next and remember things today in my day, and when I see them written down, it forces me and encourages me to do them.  
     Having my daily plan makes life more like a game to me.  I get to check off what I do which are achievements of life, and gives me the sense of moving forward with my life's purpose.  I believe I talked about my list before, but for those of you reading this for the first time, every single day I write down a list of around 5 things I have to do that day.  My 2 musts are reading 50 pages and meditating every single day.  Then the rest I make up for what I need to do, or feel I need to do.  Sometimes it's make a video or start writing for this blog, and always some form of exercise.  I highly recommend starting a daily log, all it takes it a pen and paper, so is almost free.  The hardest part is making a habit of writing down the daily log.
How do we live life to it's fullest?
     I have been able to live my life the best I can with my situation by taking small steps toward a goal every single day.  Even though I may not be to the point I want to be, I am doing things that excite and empower me every single day!  These things don't include random acts of kindness.  I wasn't always the best at doing things for random people especially having social anxiety.  But lately I've been doing more random acts of kindness even small things such as letting cars go first when I'm at a crosswalk, because I know most people are in a hurry to get places.  Something even that small can really change someones day because of one good thing in traffic, and help them not focus on the bad traffic.  Doing good for people even in small ways helps me live my life the best way possible.
Closing thoughts.
     The ways that I talk about here are just what help me grab life by the balls.  If you want to try them out I encourage you to, and feel like they will help many of you in becoming your greatest version.  If you do write down your daily list, please be sure to comment how this affected your life and be sure to share your tips for readers reading as well in the comments!

Go out, live life to the fullest,


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others.

     Something I noticed a lot of people do including me is this bad habit of comparing myself to people for successful or less successful than me.  I will usually notice after I already started comparing myself, even if it's only in my head and I'm saying it to myself instead of those around me.  I use to be really bad at this and would envy people with more things than I have, but would look also in the wrong way at it. Instead of using their success to fuel mine, I would just become jealous over it instead of try to work toward it all that hard.  Now I still do compare myself as I said above but not as much, and I know this is a bad habit to fall into, but so many of us do.  So I'm going to share some ways that helped me compare myself less to others, and more to myself.
Being comfortable with myself instead of trying to look a certain way for others to be happy.Jealousy of possessions (and beyond).
     We often times compare ourselves to others and feel jealously compared to what this person can do or what they own.  It's very easy to become jealous when everywhere we look we see something "better" than what we have.  What we need to do is look inside ourselves and ask ourselves one question, "Am I better than I was yesterday?".  We so often looks at other peoples lives and forget about our own lives and how we can better it.  The only person you should compare yourself to is you, and once you realize this it'll be a lot easier to compare yourself to others less often than you usually do.
     It's not only possessions we can get jealous about but also what others can do.  I would always compare myself to others and get discouraged.  I used to look at people who could play guitar good and think to myself "why can't I be that good right now?".  And when I used to play guitar I didn't even practice enough.  I probably felt it would just come as a miracle one day with not much practice and I would be as good as the best in the world.  I don't quite remember what I was thinking then, but theres one things I learned and its comparing myself to those who are already great at what I am just starting isn't a good idea, because I will get discouraged and most likely give up.  Now I'm not saying don't look at what the people who are where you want to be do to be successful, definitely learn from them, just don't think you will be as a pro when you first begin.  It takes practice and dedication, and making progress each and everyday on yourself.
Closing thoughts.
     We can all learn from others but should never try to be that other person.  Everyone reading this has their own unique way to do whatever it is you are working on in life.  If Nike tried to be Adidas, Youtube try to be Netflix, or Mercedes try to be BMW they all wouldn't have their own unique way, they would all be the same.  So go out there, learn from others who are where you want to be,  train everyday, and put your uniqueness out there.

Go out, live life to the fullest,


Monday, March 14, 2016

Want to be the Best at What You do? Here's How.

     Let me start off by stating I'm not the best at what I do, but I have some things to say on how I am working towards becoming the best and how these tips can help you as well.  It takes many years to become the best at something, but with putting in the work and effort I know you are capable of becoming the best at whatever you want!
Set yourself apart from the 99%
     How can you start your journey to be the best at what you do right now?  What helped me was thinking of ways on how to set myself apart from the 99% (or at least the majority).  I talked about in a blog post from about a month ago my workout routine, and although I changed the workouts recently, theres one thing I still do.  Every day I don't go to the gym I workout my abs.  I'll watch and do ab workout videos on youtube, which are completely free.  So I'm saving money from ordering a program, and still seeing results.  Results come faster than you might think, even for a hard gainer like me, just a few weeks ago I could see my abs starting to pop more, but not until recently have they doubled in showing at least from what I see.  Growing my abs sets me apart from the majority of people.
Look at what others can teach you.
     Nobody knows everything, but we can all learn something from others.  There are so many ways you can learn from people, some being free on youtube, some books and some, courses and seminars.  Its really whatever your budget can afford is what I recommend.  I've even learned this from many people, and I thought it was something you guys should know also.  I can't tell you how much I've learned from others within just the past year.  I've literally created this blog from JohnnyFD's Earnest Affiliate course teaching me how to start the blog, I could've thought I could do it without any training.  I might have been able to but would've taken a lot longer without it. 
     You can even learn from people who are the exact opposite of what you want to be.  Maybe they have things they do that you can learn NOT to do.  Mistakes can often be a huge setback and learning them from those who made mistakes, saves us time energy and sometimes money.  I'm not saying I'the best with money in any way, but there are some people I see constantly spend money on things they don't need at all.  We all do this to an extent, it's human instinct.  But chances are you know someone who spends money on things they don't need.  You can take a look outside, how many people have a brand new car every year, eve though their last one worked fine but was just "last years model".  Or maybe someones always updating their house or buying new TV's.  I did make a mistake like this, I bought a car I didn't need, when I already had a car that worked perfectly fine.  Although the car was an older car it still isn't the best car for someone my age.  I just loved the look of the car, and the feeling of the soft leather and ride, so felt I "needed" it.  I love the car to death, but as I did not expect was that such a beautiful car could have so many problems.  Take it from me and don't buy a car or anything costly that you don't need! 
Work at least as hard as those you look up to.
     If you really want to be where you want to, or work towards it, you must work at least as hard as those who are already where you want to be.  If you want to run marathons, you have to work at least as hard as whoever the greatest marathon runners are.  You must also learn to work smart, and not waste your time doing the wrong things.  For my experience the last couple ab days I did, I did 2 videos instead of just one.  This pushed my boundaries and was also more of a workout than just the one ab video, which is enough, but I know to really give myself amazing abs I need to work twice as much as the person doing the video.
Closing thoughts. 
     If you want to be the best at what you do it won't come easy.  If it did everyone would be the best. But it takes hard and strong dedication, this is why most people give up.  If there's thing I know if you've read this far, is that you aren't going to give up, because you are able to push through and fucking win!  Thanks for reading and as always.

Go out, live life to the fullest,


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Why are Struggle's are Good to Have in Your Life?

I talk about the subject of struggles being important for growth a lot, but today I want to go more in depth and hammer on this subject even more from my experience in my own life.  We can all agree that when we are comfortable in life we don't really see a reason to grow.  Maybe breaking out of comfort would hurt us in some way, there are many things I'm afraid to do that would make me uncomfortable, I have seen a drastic change since starting this blog, but there are still many things that would be hard to do that I wish to do and need to do to grow.  I'm not perfect by any means and still have a LONG LONG LONG way to go before I'm my best version.  But here in this blog I would like to share just a couple things that have have done that have broken me out of my comfort zone so far, and how they can help you!
Posting a picture of my self, as before this used to be a struggle for me to do on social media.My hobby: Fitness
     If you've been reading my blog or watching my Youtube channel (Ganifit) you know I talk about working out and how I'm trying to find what works best for me.  A couple months ago I wrote a post on what workout routine I would be using.  In that post I talked about drop sets working good for me, and they were for mostly my back, chest, and shoulders.  I was doing the drop set type of workouts because I could save time at the gym, but now my muscles are starting to get used to drop sets so time to break the comfort and try something new!  So yesterday I decided to try workouts where I could use lower weights but more reps and have better form.  I did until failure, making silly faces on every workout (for those of you who go to the gym and go hard on your workouts you know what I mean).  I also did more exercises for each muscle, and let me tell you, the change in the routine KILLED my arms!
     Tomorrow is leg day and from the pain my arms went through, I know my legs are going to be 100x worse.  But lets go in depth on why the struggle in the gym of starting to go to the gym is a big life changer!  The gym will always be a struggle because we are always challenging ourselves there.  Once we move up weight on a workout theres an even higher weight we can lift to push us even more, and working up to that weight will be a struggle, but we all know what happens.  We not only are stronger but our muscles grow, and so does our mind.  We start to see what we are capable of more and more the more we work out and exercise.  I have to say in my life its a struggle but also one of my favorite hobbies, because it helps me see growth, and the growth can help create growth in other areas of life for me.  So I say if you aren't already, start going to the gym today.  Your muscles are going to hurt every single time, that simply means you did an amazing workout!  As they say "no pain no gain".
Creating a blog.
     When I started my blog I never thought I would have so many amazing people reading every single post I put out.  To see it come so far in just a few months is just really cool to me.  I started it thinking no one would even pay attention to it, and it would be a hobby of mine for practice to create a better blog, but I decided I'd rather show my journey and let people follow along to see my achievements, and mistakes I make along the way.  I knew starting this I didn't have any muscle really, but I use it to my advantage, for people who follow me for fitness I want them to be able to see and follow the journey.  In my eyes if I see someone who already has the big muscles, or millions of dollars, I want that right away and get discouraged if after a couple weeks I don't have it.  So my message has been embracing my starting point and showing people that they shouldn't be discouraged if they don't get it right away, but should lift themselves up for working everyday at something they really want.
     My mind will sometimes easily drift into other thoughts, which I haven't noticed till lately.  Even noticing that I don't stop my own writing, even though sometimes I will randomly go off on another subject out of nowhere, but I never let that stop me from writing.  
Closing thoughts.
     Everyone has struggles, my best choice was embracing the ones I notice, although there are some I haven't yet embraced, that I will in the future, I have come to see some of the big ones and used them to my advantage.  Today I have a short assignment to help improve your life a little bit right now.  Take a minute and think of, and if you want to write down the struggles you have in your life right now.  Then for at least one of the struggles you noticed think of a way or way's to embrace it.  I would love to hear how this helped in the comments. Thanks for reading and as always.

Go out, live life to the fullest,


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Carving Your Own Path Even if You Don't See the End in Mind.

     I have something to confess to everyone...  Today I'm having trouble thinking of a subject to write about.  I've been thinking of what to even write about on and off all day long so far and nothing's really coming to mind so this blog post might be kind of a random rant on whatever comes to mind.  But first I guess I'll talk about how I'm writing right now even though I don't know what to write about.  For me it's all about taking the first step to at least put content out there for you guys to enjoy, this post might end up being great in the end or be my most boring blog post ever.  We never know the potential of what will happen until we at least start.  And worst case from starting is that it's a learning experience.
     We all have times when we want to do something but don't know what to do, and thats ok, its only human.  I often let this stop me from doing things because I tell myself "why should I do something if I don't know what to do?"  I know I'm not the only one who feels this way so that's why I'm writing this today.  It's a way to push myself and to hopefully share some knowledge with you guys.  I can't tell you how many times I've given up before I even started just because I didn't know what to do.  And I knew I was failing myself because I didn't even put in an effort!
     Today I'm taking that small step and putting in that effort, because I know it may change my life and motivate you guys to make changes in your lives about doing something you may want to do.  Even as I'm writing this right now I feel this may be a little repetitive, and I apologize before hand if it is as I am just ranting in this post!  But let me ask you a question, what's the most important thing you wish to achieve in your own life?  Is there any excuse to why you can't?  We all make excuses and many people can have excuses 1 million times better than me, but through all the excuses we can at least start.  I could make excuses not to make this blog post right now or to even start blowing in general.  I mean I always and I mean ALWAYS got bad grades on every writing project for my English classes, so I could tell myself "who would even want to hear my writing and story if I'm a bad writer in school?"  Maybe someone will troll me or leave a nasty comment on this post so "I shouldn't write it."
     We can literally make up any excuse to not do something, and I know many people have amazing excuses, and are in way harder situations than I am, so I'm not saying it's easy for everyone.  There's one thing I do know about people who have it harder than me from what I hear about their life story's.  They all used the excuses and struggles in life to fuel their motivation, just like I'm doing with this blog, as I always got bad grades on writing assignments in school, I still continue to write at least once a week.  Putting myself out there for criticism everytime I write, because someone might not like what I say or may think I'm a terrible writer.  So I could use those as excuses for why to just stop writing right now, or not even start in the first place.  But instead I use them for my fuel to better my writing and share my unique message with the world.
Closing thoughts.
     My wish is for each and every single one of you reading this is to after you read this to take action on something big or small that's important to you, even if you don't see the path clearly.  If your life is super busy you can sit down for 5 minutes, just 5 minutes and write out your goals for the month or week and post it to Facebook for everyone to see.  This way it'll hold you accountable to not just yourself but to everyone you know, and make you a lot more likely to do it!  I can say that helped me do my 5 day video challenge on Youtube.

Go out, live life to the fullest,


Thursday, March 3, 2016

How to Have Fun and Enjoy the Small Things.

     Let's take a look at my life a fews years back.  Most of my down time and fun was spent on video games.  I would come home from school and the first thing I would think to do was to play some Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto.  Even at school I would think of how much fun I'm going to have when I get home and turn on my Xbox.  I even remember when my parents and I would go up north for the weekend to see my grandparents, having trouble having fun without the games there.
     Jump ahead a few years and its almost the exact opposite.  I could care less to play games and would much rather be up north with my family enjoying the outdoors and fresh air, or playing board games with everyone.  I've come to be able to enjoy the little things in life more and more especially recently.  I will sometimes even just stop and stare at the sky for a minute or 2 if it really catches my eye!  Theres so much beauty all arounds us that I was never able to realize when I would only be focusing on that game I wanted to play as soon as I got home.
How to start noticing the beauty that you never noticed in everyday life right now.
     How many times do we overlook good things because we are stuck in our head about the one bad thing?  We all do it and most of the time the things we worry and stress about won't even matter a week from now, but we often let that one thought control our day.  From my experience it can affect my focus drastically and may even overlook the things those around us do to cheer us up, or just good things they do in general, and I find when I get caught in my head over something I can become angry very fast.  There are some things that can help that I do if I tend to catch myself getting in a pattern throughout my day.
     If I find myself and notice that I'm getting in an angry mood or even if my chest just feels tense, the first thing I always do is always take a deep breath and smile.  This might sound stupid at first, and you may be asking "how can this fix what I'm worried about?"  But this is the first step in being in a happier mood, not just for the next few minutes or today but will help everyday.  I do this because I've learned from what Tony Robbins says about changing your state.  If you have never heard of him defiantly check him out!  But he talks about how changing your physical state can change your mental state as well, just by simple practices as I just stated.  Also don't forget to check your posture.
     Another way I have found useful to notice the beauty around you is to look up at the sky or take a look outside at something as simple as a tree.  Admire everything you can find about the tree, how big or small it is, the color of the leaves, and even what you can't see, the roots.  Instead of a tree I can usually look at cars or nice places to take my mind in a positive direction.  For cars especially I will notice the smallest details I find stunning and focus in on that.
 My favorite above all though, is to look at the sky on a beautiful day, or seeing the sunset through the clouds on cloudy days.  For me it almost instantly calms me, my breathing becomes deeper, and at that point many of my worries will disappear or just seem silly that I would even worry about things so little.
Closing thoughts
     Finding beauty in the world can be hard in times of worry, but it is attainable and is easier than we often make it to be as long as you find what will help you.  This will make having fun a lot easier even just by taking a walk outside, I can find enjoyable and relaxing, and its free!  We all seems to help others have fun as well if we are in a good state and having fun ourselves.  Remember to take a deep breath.  As always,

Go out, live life to the fullest,
